On Thursday, Tesla announced that all the new cars produced by the company will be available with a self-driving hardware from now on. Tesla CEO, Elon Musk said that all the cars will be equipped with Level 5 hardware which will help the self-driving function to work autonomously.
Watch the video here:
( Video Courtesy: WIRED )
The Tesla Officials also claimed that this new technology has increased the safety levels of driving by at least twice to the levels of human driving. They also stated that Model S and Model X vehicles of Tesla are currently in production with this new hardware.
Here are some of the Important features of this new hardware:
Elon Musk also informed about the digital user guide software implanted in the cars that will help the customers to understand its functioning. However, the customers have to validate the software functions and go through the regulations, to activate the self-driving software.
The company is also planning to increase the capabilities of this new hardware to 10 times of an average human driver.
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24 October 2016
Rohan Jaitly
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