
Job Creation On The Hike In Finland’s Nokia!

We know it as the phone that, at one point in time, was with everyone and in everyone’s hands. We also know it to be a popular brand from a country that, as of today, is home to tens of hundreds of tech start ups. The Silicon valley of Europe in some ways, if one can put it like that. But that being said, there’s always something inspiring and new about Nokia, a brand that became a synonym of cell phones, long before engaging high-tech phones came about and became a thing of high performance.

In some ways, it is a brand that was and still is, more about utility, something that’s the first and foremost usage of a phone anyway. And now, in an age where technology and fanfare surrounding phones is reaching an all-time high, it makes perfect sense to understand how Nokia is once again, contributing to Finland and vice-versa.

At a time where much of Europe continues to be amid upheaval, with the likes of Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain and the likes constantly fighting off against the COVID 19 virus and its new variants, it’s rare to find positive updates anyway.

Yet, Scandinavia, one of the most flourishing and enterprising parts of one of the world’s most enigmatic continents never quite fails to disappoint, especially where it comes to entrepreneurship and positive developments.

Suggested Read: Finland is expecting to do away with COVID restrictions by October!

So what’s the latest from the land of Nokia that one must know:

Apparently, Finland’s homegrown widely famous cell phone manufacturer Nokia has announced that it is looking for no fewer than 500 new people or talent forces to join its ranks.

500 new job openings in a single multinational in the wake of the dreadful COVID 19 pandemic is no lame news, nor is it a mediocre development.

Isn’t it?

So what’s the key insight about this development? How does Nokia plan to work on this immediate agenda ahead and what sort of talents does the company founded back in 1865 wish to hire?

Here are some interesting bits to the developing story from Nokia

Ever since Nokia sold its devices and Services department back in 2014, the company has been trying to reinvent itself once again. Nokia did that many times in its 156 years long history, and it is still doing it with one goal only, to be the best in the market. Nokia turned mostly to networks and all that follows that business. After the Finns acquired Alcatel Lucent, the transformation hit an even faster pace, but it was not enough. A great number of Nokia employees lost their jobs due to the cost-saving plans and reorganisation process Nokia was going through with its former CEO, but things are slowly changing. For the better.

When 5G networks finally started being a reality, Nokia started hiring a lot of specialized workers in permanent job positions. HS reports that during the period between 2018 and 2020, Nokia hired 1200 people in Finland and that the plan is to hire 500 more there.

It is good to hear that slightly more than 50% of the people employed by Nokia are Finnish citizens, and the rest are citizens of other countries. There are 59 nationalities working at Nokia, and all of them are hired based on their competence. Nokia is hiring the best applicants around the world regardless the nationality what is needed if the company wishes to be the best in the very competitive market.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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