Coolpad Cool Play 6 has been launched in China with a price-tag of 1499 yuan (Rs 15,000 approx) and the kind of specifications this smartphone boasts of, it will definitely be a game changer for the company. Coolpad Cool Play 6 doesn’t come with a big screen but it also does not compromise with the overall display quality. One of the biggest reason behind this is that Coolpad Cool Play 6 will be marketed as a proper gaming phone and users prefer small yet vibrant screen in that case.
Moreover, since it is a gaming smartphone, it also comes with a built-in intelligent temperature control technology that prevents excessive heating while playing graphic-heavy games for too long. Coolpad Cool Play 6 also features a sleek design with a premium metal body and is available in black as well as soft gold colors. However, it is not a bezel-less smartphone and the bottom bezels look unusually large despite the absence of physical home button.
Another highlight of Coolpad Cool Play 6 is the dual camera setup at the back with makes it a perfect combination of multimedia and performance oriented smartphone. Moreover, Coolpad is known for offering some of the most value for money handsets and this device is no exception.
However, Coolpad Cool Play 6 misses on external storage and comes with an unusual bezel design despite the absence of a physical home button, which might end up as deal-makers for many.
As for the Indian launch of Coolpad Cool Play 6, there is no doubt that the Chinese manufacturer should introduce this smartphone in the Indian market and trust me when I say this, it is going to be an instant hit if it is launched with the same price-tag in India.
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