Asus ZenFone Live has been launched in India, donning a price tag of Rs 9,999 and in days when selfie smartphones has been ruling the sales charts, Asus ZenFone Live take the game to another level with the addition of hardware-optimized, real-time beautification features which were the need of the hour, considering the growing trend of Facebook Live and similar services on other social media platforms.
A majority of social media platforms users, these days, are shifting towards live streaming or interactive content in order to share stories. And why not? It’s fun to have other people involved in an engaging story. Asus ZenFone Live has definitely found the right beat when it comes to being ‘Live’ and ‘BeautyLive’ app automatically beautifies the faces when being live on Facebook, Instagram as well as YouTube.
However, with the existence of Lenovo K6 Power, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Xiaomi Redmi 4 and Vivo Y53 in the same segment offering better specifications, will Asus ZenFone Live be able to make a mark here or it will turn out to be another failed attempt at something new? Let’s See.
Asus ZenFone Live was expected to bring a revolution of some sorts but it doesn’t offer the overall package that consumers are used to these days. Moreover, when it comes to aggressive usage, Asus ZenFone Live tends to suffer from lags, making it a multimedia-oriented smartphone whose battery doesn’t justify its usage.
Should you buy one? Well, if the live streaming is what your next smartphone will be solely used for, then yes, otherwise, Asus ZenFone Live is not worth your consideration.
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