Categories: Technology

If You Smoke Weed NASA Is Going To Pay You Rs. 12.25 Lakhs For It

If you are an avid weed smoker then the world just transformed into your fairytale where, you don’t have to work for money. All you need to do is to smoke weed and sleep. Can’t believe your eyes? It is true, if you are a cannabis lover then here is the best way to earn money, a lot of money.


NASA is conducting a new study named as ‘Rest Studies’, they want volunteers who can smoke different kinds of weed/ cannabis and stay in the bed for 70 days. If you can do that at the end of this study you will be $18,000 richer, which is approximately Rs. 12.25 lakhs!

Image Source: health cure centre

Sounds good? Well, that’s not it. If you think you will get bored then don’t lose hope because the participants will be allowed to play games, surf internet, read books and they can even make Skype calls but they have to keep smoking while staying in bed.


A report by Health Cure Center suggests that this study has three primary goals which are:

  1. During the study, NASA will observe the changing physiology of astronauts in space and its effects on the process of certain missions.

2.  To understand the impact of the physical state and ability to perform in particular tasks of an individual.

3. Preparing countermeasures to combat any impairment that the physiological state may lead to.

What is the Experiment?

The volunteers will be divided into two groups during this study – Exercising and Non- exercising. The exercising group will be subject to training exercising on special equipments where they will remain lying and smoking. The Non-exercising group will be left to rest completely.

Image Source:

The duration of the study will last between 97 to 105 days. For the first 13 days non-exercising group will be able to move freely inside their bed facility where the exercising group will do the same for first 21 days. After that duration both the group will be put to the bed straight for 70 days. During this period, the volunteers will be subject to bone, muscle, heart tests including the test of circulatory and nervous systems, nutritional conditions and the capacity of the body to fight off the infections.

See that is not at all tiring and you can earn just by smoking up and staying on the bed. You won’t even have to buy the cannabis and you will smoke every kind of it, not to forget that you will be a really important part of further human space exploration which will make you feel like a superhuman.

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2 March, 2016
Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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