Freedom 251, a smartphone which is of Rs 251 has again become the talk of the town. In February, the smart -phone created a lot of buzz when Ringing Bells was dragged into a controversy but now they are ready to deliver the phone and the news is that they are set to deliver the handsets to its first 30,000 customers beginning from June 28.
These customers had pre-booked the smartphone before the pre-booking website crashed because of huge traffic.
Noida based company will start shipment of the handsets from June 28 to the customers who paid for it earlier on COD (cash-on-delivery).
Ringing Bells started selling Freedom 251 through its website in February but the launch of the smartphone was dragged into controversy as some accused the company’s cheapest phone scheme of a fraudulent scheme.
During two-day sale, the website of the company crashed due to the huge response from buyers. According to the company about 30,000 customers had booked the phone in the first batch.
Later, the company withdrew the product and refunded money to the customers following a close scrutiny by government agencies. The company officials have said that 30,000 people paid for booking the smartphone and around 7 crore people registered for it.
The company also said that it has a foolproof plan to support the cheap price but they do not want to disclose it.
Ashoka Chandra, the president of Ringing Bells had already explained that the manufacturing cost of the phone was around Rs. 2,500 that would be recovered through a series of measures such as innovative marketing, creating an e-commerce marketplace, economies of scale and reduction in duties.
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15 June, 2016
Avni S. Singh
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