A Celebration of the Lizard King who could do anything: Ode to Jim Morrison

“We live, we die and death not ends it.” No Ode to Jim Morrison could ever be complete without touching upon a subject of immense intrigue. Is Jim Morrison really dead? For all that he stood for, for all that…

5 Times When Jim Morrison Nailed The Human Nature

Human nature. Not merely a Michael Jackson song. Not only a Madonna number you’ve danced to. It’s a complex anatomy of many emotions and expressions. You can know someone through their emotions at one time nature and then not know…

11 Quotes By Jim Morrison That Will Change Your Attitude Towards Life Completely!

Jim Morrison, a music wonder who took the music world by storm. He will always be remembered as one of the most iconic musicians ever. He wasn’t only a rockstar, he was a poet, a lyricist and of course a…