Categories: Lifestyle

Some Artistic Goodbye And RIP To Carrie Fisher From Around The World

Carrie Fisher, a.k.a the original Princess Leia from Star Wars, is no more. The brilliant and amazing 60-year-old died on Tuesday due to a heart attack and we lost another great person in 2016. However, Carrie was more than just an actor, she was a known and celebrated author with some amazing literary works and a strong female role model for millions of girls, all around the world.

She was blunt and said what she feel like, in fact, she was once quoted saying: “No matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.

That’s how she wanted her death to be reported and that says a lot about Fisher as a person. Her acting career was predominated with her legendary role of Princess Leia in the classic Star Wars. Her character received appreciation and is said to be one of the characters that would go down in history forever. Apart from this, Fisher was also a strong advocate of mental health issues, depression and addiction, as she herself went through all of this, once. She helped many in voicing their issues and overcoming them with strength and awesomeness.

Her death has shaken the world and artist all around the world are making artwork in the memory of Carrie Fisher. These are some brilliant pieces (just like the person they’ve been created for) and deserves every attention of yours.


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28 December 2016
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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