Categories: Lifestyle

Significance And Stories Of Karva Chauth

Karva Chauth has a distinguished place in the life of all married women; especially the Hindu and Sikh married women in India and now even in abroad remember K3G. They believe this fast ensures the prosperity, longevity and well-being of their husband is impeccable. The reasons and emotions behind this fast are stirring and pious, however the reason behind the origin of this festival has been dwindling. The true outlook of Karva Chauth has changed and the abstract sense behind it have faded. However, our modern brides still believe that these rituals do keep the bond strong of their love and marriage.

There are some famous stories and their different versions are popular everywhere, which shed the light on the beginning of the custom. We have compiled the famous ones for you so that you can be enlightened about the origin and reason to fast on Karva Chauth.

The Story of Rani Veeravati

This story begins with – Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl Veeravati. She was the only sister of her seven loving and caring brothers. Veeravati was married to a king. On the first Karva Chauth after her marriage, she went to her parents’ house. After sunrise, she observed a strict fast without gulping even a single drop of water. However, the queen couldn’t stand the strict rules of fasting and was desperately waiting for the moon to rise. The seven brothers who loved her unconditionally, were very disturbed. Watching the distress of their sister, they decided to end her fast. One of the brothers reflected a mirror through Pipal tree leaves and told Veeravati that the moon has risen. The sister broke the fast and took food to a fake moon rise.

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The moment the queen ate her dinner, she received the news that her husband, was seriously ill. Veeravati rushed to the King’s palace. On her way to the palace, she met Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and learned that the king had died because the queen had broken her fast by watching a false moon. Veeravati asked Parvati for forgiveness, the goddess granted her the boon that the king would be revived. But only when she will undertake the Karva Chauth fast under strict rituals. Thus, by strictly following all the rituals of Karva Chauth,  Veeravati revived the life of her husband.

The Epic Story of Savitri

Another story is the story of the Satyavan and Savitri. When Lord Yama, came to procure Satyavan’s soul, Savitri followed him and begged him to grant life to her husband Satyavan.

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Yama refused and she stopped eating and drinking. Finally Yamraj relented and seeing Savitri’s devotion and  love for her husband,Yama granted Satyavan a long and happy life . To this day, Karva Chauth is celebrated with great faith and belief.

The festival of Karva Chauth emerged as a day where a wife can express her love and respect she has for her husband. But later on, many mythological legends were added to give it a religious touch.  It is an excellent gesture to let your partner know the joy you have in your heart being with them. Husband’s too express their love for their partner. As the token of their love and admiration they plan gifts and surprises for their wives.

The Legend of Mahabharata

Once Arjun went to the Nilgiris for penance and the rest his brothers faced many problems in his absence. Draupadi, remembered Lord Krishna out of desperation and asked for his help. Lord Krishna told her that, Once Goddess Parvati had sought Lord Shiva’s guidance under similar circumstances. She had been advised to observe the fast under strict rules, the fast of Karva Chauth.

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Distressed Draupadi learned the instructions. She followed them and observed the fast with all its rituals with dedication. With God’s grace the Pandavas were able to overcome their problems. On this day, fasting women listen to Karva Chauth legends with rapt attention. This is to believe that Karva Chauth associated rituals go back to the  pre-Mahabharata times.


Team Rapid wish you a Happy Karva Chauth. Enjoy the celebration, exchange gifts and don’t forget to express love. If you are perplexed about what gift to choose for your special lady then read Gifts You Can Choose On This Karva Chauth , To find out.

30 Oct, 2015
Avni S.Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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