Categories: Lifestyle

Need Good Reason To Not Wash Your Hair Daily? We Have 7.

We all love the feeling of fresh, clean and beautiful smelling hair, however, it’s the drill behind getting it that just puts us into a huge dilemma. But then we still contemplate it and finally in the end, after spending the thinking process worth 30 minutes, we still go with the much more sort after option of washing our hair, again.

If you have this weird (bad) habit of washing your hair everyday then just stop. There’s nothing more that I can say (write) in order to get you off the hook of washing hair every day. It’s just downright bad and unhealthy for your locks and as much as you like the feel of it, trust me when I say that this habit is slowly killing and dreading your tresses. But, if you still fancy some solid hard reasoning for it, then okay. However, I would also like to just put it out there that everyone’s hair kind and type are different and while somethings works for me, they might not do the same for you. But then going for a quick dry shampoo session every now and then is not that bad, to begin with.


So, including some of my personal discoveries along with a hard-hitting research time on the Internet, here are the reasons why you should immediately quit washing your hair every day.

1. Your Natural Oils are gone.

Our hair produces natural oils which are essential for the well-being of our follicles and while too much of it can be a stress, they are indeed a necessity for having healthy locks. Washing hair every day leads to stripping the hair of their natural oils which makes the scalp dry and more prone to breakage.

2. It takes away the shine

If you have beautiful and shiny hair then washing it every day just seems to call a tragedy on it. Washing your hair too much makes it dry and takes away all the lustre of it.

3. More Styling

Washing your hair more means more styling in order to keep them looking flawless and this means more heat for your hair concur. And, while you have to loose something in order to get something, your hair don’t, so please save them from this struggle.

4. More Money

A good shampoo, conditioner, mask, serum and after shower cream is hell expensive and let’s be real, one just can’t afford to get them renewed in every 15-20 days. So, if you want your thousand buck shampoo to last a little longer, trying using it less.

5. More Split Ends

Believe it or not, washing your every day ends up giving you a shit-load of split ends and the only way to escape these two diverged spoilers it to cut them, which just shatters all your dream of getting longer hair. This happens because washing hair daily does not give your hair the time to replenish its natural oils which result in dry brittle hair with the massive amount of split ends.

6. More Time

There’s nothing more important than time in this world and while everything else can be compensated for something else, time just can’t be. Imagine how many days you could have just snoozed your alarm clock and hit your bed again for a half hour sleep but then had to wake because of the hair washing schedule

7. Makes Colour Fade Faster

If you have some streaks or even a completely colour toned hair then try to just preserve that colour on tresses by washing them less frequently. This is the trick of not having brassy and colour faded hair.

All these somehow attribute to the reason because of which you should be keeping your head away from the shower head, as much as possible.

14th June 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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