Categories: Lifestyle

Happy Engineers’ Day: 12 Facts About Engineers That Will Blow Your Mind

Engineers, the curious, interesting and alien category of human species. Weird right? Now you are thinking when did that happened? Engineers are supposed to be geeky and nerdy. Well, that clearly proves that u haven’t met one. The more offbeat they tend to appear from outside, the more fascinating their world is. Their life surrounds with all the finest experiences of life one can have.

An engineer can straight up blow your brain away with his smartness and knowledge. Spending untold hours and hours of group study with friends, skipping classes, failing in exams or fighting with the students of the other branches. They have done it all and explored every possible amusement and fun you can ever imagine. Yes, they did!

Here Are 12 Interesting Facts Only Engineers can Relate With:


Today is Engineers Day, and we are thankful for their existence as they introduced us to the world of unreachable that includes Innovations, Inventions and creativity. Engineers do humanly impossible things, and they have our respect for that.

They love to solve the problems and at times create one and then solve it. Crazy right?

Their idea of celebrating life may be circled within the world of technology but they surely knows the art of leading a super amazing life.

After reading these facts about them you must be wondering have you noticed anything related in your smart and geeky engineer friends.If not, now you will surely notice it.

15 Sept 2015
Sneha Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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