
6 Hair Care Tips For Winters To Prepare Your Mane From The Cold

Winter has finally dawned upon us and while we are having a lot of fun in dressing up and eating good things, there is something that deserves your attention more than any other time of the year and it’s hair care tips for winter. Your hair that goes through more than a dozen transformations, every time you have something big coming up. More than anything, it’s one thing that you love to play with the most, considering how big of a difference it makes on your personality.

However, with winter, your hair gets dry, starts developing dandruff and more than anything, it refuses to cooperate.

This leads to some big changes in your hair condition, something that needs a lot of work and attention. There are certain alterations that you need to bring in your hair care routine for winters, and we have gathered some of the best hair care tips for winter that will make your hair look all fancy and healthy. Check them out here:

1. Don’t Wash Your Hair Too Often

Hair by Jacki

Finally comes that time of the year when you don’t have to wash your hair every day or every second day, in order to look great. You can actually take time off and leave your hair in their natural state for more than two days without being extremely embarrassed and apologetic about it. Doctors advise one to stay away from shampoos as much as possible since it worsens the already bad state of your scalp.

2. Weekly Treatments


There’s nothing more amazing and satisfying than basking under a winter’s sun and enjoying every second of it. Another thing that you can add up to the equation in order to do your bit of hair care tips for winter, is to indulge in weekly treatments that include different masks that you can apply and have fun.

3. Regular Oiling

Image: Shutterstock

Earlier, winter was all about sitting under the sun and getting your hair oiled from your mother or grandmother. But things have changed now and everyone is struggling to find free time for things like these which has also taken a toll on your hair situation. The best way to compensate for all the missed oiling sessions is to indulge in another one and that too, as soon as possible.

4. Leave In Conditioner

Another major rule for hair care tips for winter is to use leave in conditioner, as much as possible. This way your hair gets to experience all the lost moisture from it and enjoy the luxing effect it has on it. Moreover, leave in conditioner helps your hair in looking healthy and lively, something that often gets misplaced in winters.

5. No More Regular Hair Styling

Image: Shutterstock

We all love the look of those freshly curled and blow-dried hair but trust us, they are doing more harm to your hair than anything. So do the right thing and stay away from over styling and blow drying your hair since it can become one of the reasons behind its excessive breakage.

6. Use Dry Shampoo


Another big hair problem is that as soon as winters come, our hair becomes flat in nature and looks odd. Which is why this hair care tips for winter is absolutely perfect. Use dry shampoo and brush your hair with your fingers, this way you can almost immediately see the amazing effect your hair has.

Take these six hair care tips into consideration this winter and see them working their magic on your mane and on your holiday look.

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