Food & Drink

What Is A Coffee Free Coffee? And Is There A Start-Up That’s Actually Making This?

A dinner party minus dinner with some snacks to suffice. An artwork that doesn’t have art. A selfie that is actually a blank image and nothing in general! A cricket match with no cricket in it in the first place. Moreover, a shopping mall minus a single retail store. What would such a thing mean to you? Imagine if such a thing were to even happen in the first place?

How would you react? But then, one also asks that if there can be such as thing as food minus calories or many calories, effectively speaking, then why can’t there such a thing as a coffee free coffee?

How does that sound to you?

Truth be told, what would you have done if you would have actually run into an organisation that was making such a thing in the first place? Yes, a can of coffee minus coffee itself!

There’s never a better time than today to participate in food start ups for such inventive and innovative is the sphere. Ever thought about it?

Here’s what CNN had to say about he very company that is making a coffee free coffee, something that’s true and not an irony in statement!

The startup, which launched in 2019 and offered a limited release to the public in September, makes a canned cold brew designed to taste like coffee and give you a boost of energy — but it isn’t made with coffee beans. Instead, the brand uses a combination of date seeds, chicory root and grape skin, plus caffeine, to mimic traditional coffee. Most of these ingredients are upcycled, the company said, meaning that if they weren’t used by Atomo, they’d likely be thrown away. Date seeds, or pits, are usually “scattered in the field,” said Atomo CEO Andy Kleitsch. “We give them a second life.

Regarding the fact that- and also arguing for the rationale that- coffee is actually bad for the planet, the following is what Atomo wishes to do:

It desires to offer an alternate approach to coffee, and it’s own kind of instant coffee and other assortment of products. Having said that, here’s more from the stable of CNN-

But that’s not the company’s only eco-friendly selling point. Atomo used a service called Carbon Cloud to calculate its own footprint and looked at research on coffee’s environmental impact to see how its process stacks up, Kleitsch said. It concluded that Atomo’s product uses 94% less water and produces 93% fewer carbon emissions than conventional cold brew coffee.

Suggested Read – How Is Climate Change Bound To Impact Coffee Cultivation And Production?

The above told, the real reason why coffee is actually bad for the planet is down to the simple reason that the mere practice of coffee plantation is leading to increased accounts of deforestation. That’s down to the fact that natural occurrences such as climate change have led to farmers having to shift base and develop newer lands that can be used for plantation since they end up clearing trees.

Now, that’s certainly an area that none of us would have thought about- did we?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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