Categories: Lifestyle

5 Things Only People With Anxiety Issues Will Understand!

5 Things People With Anxiety Issues Can Relate To.

Anxiety issues are becoming more common in recent times. Blame the lifestyle or the evolved thinking but it sure is creating more space than ever in the life of people. It has become so frequent in life that it is not only a scary disorder. It comes in many forms and stages and normal anxiety is the worst of all because you cannot call it exactly a disorder.
Worrying constantly about everyday things is no more a problem, it has become a lifestyle for many and it has blended so smoothly in our life that “too much” has become normal. Staying asleep is the main cause of the everyday anxiety and people are doing it on purpose, simply because today we have so many things to look after that a day of 24 hours seems less and rather than planning everything we prefer compromising our much-needed sleep. However, even when people around you know that you are struggling with this not so fatal yet not so uncontrollable issue, they just don’t step back and add up more which increases the difficulty.

While there are many things one has to experience while dealing anxiety, here are 5 major things that you have to deal with and will completely relate to if you have anxiety issues.

1. People Will Never Stop Saying Don’t Worry About It.

source: GIPHY
People will continue to tell you that you need to stop worrying about a certain situation and the worst part is that you cannot scream out loud that if you could, you would already have. They don’t understand that by saying these words they are not comforting you but they are making you overthink it.

2. Sound Sleep Feels Like A Dream Because Your Brain Never Shuts Down.

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You will be awake till it’s too late and then you will be worried about next day, It will become impossible for you to sleep and the poor performance that you may deliver tomorrow in the office will haunt the rest of the sleeping hours. It never ends.

3. Even The Tiniest Things Make You Anxious.

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Why hasn’t he called? Why didn’t you get invited? Shit, you missed that call. Oh, My God, I am late. Will my boss be impressed? all the tiniest things make you anxious and you just can’t help it.

4. When Too Many People Try To Comfort You, Your Brain feels Like A Nuclear Bomb Which Can Explode Anytime.

You can’t decide who to listen to, to whom you should reply or which suggestion is the best? It all gets messed up because you receive too much at one time when your brain already has the problems of its own.

5. Crying And Crying Again.

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You feel so overwhelmed always that at times you don’t know what’s bothering you. It is a bad relationship or a bad day at work or a broken dream or your inconsistent state in life. Nothing makes sense and you end up crying every now and then.

I am sure that you go though a lot and believe me you are not alone and there are people who are dealing with it regularly and have no idea what to do about it. If it is too much to bear then we suggest you should go and see a doctor and if it is still not all over your head then meditate because all you need is a little peace of mind.

31 July 2017
Avni S. Singh
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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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