Categories: Lifestyle

15 quotes By Mark Twain Quotes That Are Accurate For Today’s Life

Samuel Langhorne Clemens or Mark Twain was born in the Florida, Missouri, on November 30, 1835. He is one of the most famous American writers and is popularly known for his literary critics. Twain was cemented as a premier writer of late 19th century with his well-received works such as “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.“, “The Prince and The Pauper”, “The Innocents Abroad”, “Roughing It”, “Life on the Mississippi”  and the lesser known “Pudd’nhead Wilson”.

Twain thoughts always convinced people and made them think that he was born way ahead of his time. Not everyone has the significance of being declared as the greatest humorist. Apart from his legendary novels, he was also an insightful observer and his sharp opinion about life and people still make one to shake his head. Once you read his words it’s almost impossible to stop thinking about them. Being a compulsive thinker, he did quote some exceptional words of wisdom that has the power to influence people even in this 21st century.

Here Are 15 Of His Most Life Learning Quotes That Are Accurate For Today’s Life:

1. That’s What We Are Learning Now. I Guess!

2.People Seem To Forget The Gesture. Like Totally.

3. Be Cool !! Stay Happy!! Enjoy!

4. People Are Quite Confused About THE RIGHT THING.

5. Shutting Down Your Mind Is The Worst Thing You Can Do.

6. That’s How A Sin Happens.

7. We Need To Get The Real Meaning Of Happiness.

8. Learn And Grow. You Cannot Reach To The Top Without First Step.

9. We Owe A Lot To The World.

10. Take A Stand. Fight. Stop Being A Coward.

11. The Hidden Is Always Interesting.

12. Judging Is The Worst Thing You Can Do.

13. Fabricated Lies Are More Beautiful Than Truth.

14. A Good Soul Always Attract.

15. Fun Is The Key To Stay Happy.

30 Nov, 2015
Avni S.Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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