Perhaps there’s much sense to it- and not irony- that New Zealand, one of the world’s most enduring enigmas, is called so. In some ways, it makes perfect sense that New Zealand is named the way it is for it’s a country that functions with zeal and enthusiasm toward the worldly affairs, especially given the nature of things with which it goes about doing usual business.
This was felt more so in the recent circumstances surrounding the utterly distasteful war ensuing in Ukraine as perpetrated by Russia.
So how is that? And is this a random statement of fact? Not really, if told honestly. Just hours back, the New Zealand PM, Jacinda Ardern made no bones about the fact that her beloved country is stepping up the aid directed toward the welfare of Ukraine.
New Zealand has pledged more support to the embittered Ukraine, which also means upping the ante of military aid that the country so desperately needs for its defence against the mighty Russians who are waging what the world (rightfully) calls an utterly needless war.
But the key question here is- just how is New Zealand going to step up its relief efforts for Ukraine?
The answer is simple and a non uncanny one; the Australasian wonderland is going to increase its contribution toward a NATO Trust Fund that is entrusted with the task of providing not just fuel and ration, but even communication equipment and first aid kits.
To a land harmlessly bloodied by a mighty oppressor, any modicum of support is tantamount to mighty relief material- is it not?
Therefore, in totality, it makes for relevant reading that the combined sum that New Zealand has willingly agreed to help Ukraine with is no fewer than $3.46 million dollars. That’s actually 5 million NZ dollar on current prices.
Also Read: How Is Germany Doing Its Bit Towards The Ukrainian Refugees?
That is, quite frankly, not just a small amount but a massive step up of support that will come in handy for Ukraine. Implicit in the support that the Ardern-led nation is extending Ukraine is non-lethal Military aid that Ukraine will put to good effect.
That being told, the following is what the ever-cheery Ardern shared with media personnel following the big announcement from her office:
“We consider what is happening in Ukraine as a massive disruption to the international rules-based order and because of that it impacts all of us and that’s why we have taken these extraordinary measures.”
What is a well established fact is that given the current scheme of support being extended to Ukraine, New Zealand is already providing important tactical equipment to a nation embittered by the savagery of war, such as- helmets and body armour, along with vests.
But to conclude, thus far, the combined sum of assistance rendered by New Zealand at this desperate hour for Ukraine is around (approximately) 11 million NZ dollar. While Russia calls its bloodied warfare over Ukraine a ‘special operation,’ the help extended by great nations such as New Zealand is timely, precious and beyond special.
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