Categories: International

Here Are 7 Things That Make Yoga Better Than Gym!

The world is celebrating it’s 3rd International Yoga Day today on 21st June 2017 after the United Nations declared June 21 as the International Yoga Day on December 11, 2014. While we all know that Yoga was originated in Ancient India and since then it has been one of the most powerful practices which discipline our body, mind and spirit altogether.
With changing times Yoga has brought a revolution in the world. although, it has more benefits that we know but it is popular in recent times as a quick and steady weight loss tool. There are millions of people who have gained the desired result by losing weight through practicing yoga.

So if you are one of those people who are looking for a magic trick that could make you go fab from flab and just don’t want to take the pain of hitting the GYM, on this International Yoga Day, we bring 7 reasons why you should incorporate yoga into your daily routine as it will make you leaner, smarter and content too.

1. Yoga Benefits Your Body, Externally And Internally Both!

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The twist, turns and stretches of various Yoga asana benefit you in more than just one way. They improve your digestive system, the lymphastic system, circulatory system and more. It detoxes your body and also improves your cardiovascular system. While a gym workout routine is focused on strengthening muscles and boosting cardio, Yoga helps you develope stronger muscles.

2. Practicing Yoga Is About Accepting Yourself.

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When you fail to achieve your goals by gymming, it leaves you feeling disappointed but practicing Yoga is all about believing you are perfect and accepting your flaws. With Yoga, you work upon improving your strengths and managing your weaknesses.

3. Yoga Makes You Lean

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Gymming causes your muscles to bulk but Yoga strengthens your muscles and makes your body take a leaner appearance with practice.

4. Yoga Is Efficient That Gymming!

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Every Gym uses weights and other equipment for work out, but in Yoga, you work in your entire body all by yourself for strengthening. The different asanas make your body stronger and tone it without using any other source. In the gym, you use weight to work upon the different areas of your body but Yoga allows you to use your own weight to work upon your entire body at one time.

5. Yoga Brings Relief To Aches And Pains

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After a gym workout you can feel the pain in your muscles but after Yoga, you will always feel relaxed as it slowly stretches muscles which open the energy channels of the body and increase flexibility. Now, this keeps the joints and the muscles lubricated and healthy, which is far better that the strain caused by treadmill and weights.

6. You Breathe Easier.

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Various Yoga Asanas focuses on deep breathing which ultimately relaxes your mind. These deep breaths help you in the time of stress as we forget its importance in hard times. It helps you develop a good habit of deep breathing rather than the shallow breaths we take in this fast paced life.

7. Yoga Keeps You Happy, Calm And Stress-Free

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Many yoga classes include meditation which helps you reduce anxiety, stress and keeps you calm and happy. You feel more relaxed as it decreases your stress. The best thing about the Yoga classes is that all kinds of curves and edges are accepted openly in a happy environment, so you feel more moderate.

On this International Yoga Day, take an oath to practice yoga daily and it’s beneficial AF!

21 June 2017
Avni S. Singh
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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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