Categories: International

EgyptAir Flight From Paris To Cairo Went Missing With 69 On Board.

EgyptAir said that a flight that was carrying 69 passengers and crew and was flying from Paris to Cairo had gone missing on Thursday. They lost the track of the flight on their radar over the Mediterranean Sea.

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The airline tweeted from its official Twitter account, that an official source at EgyptAir stated that a plane MS 804 was departed from Paris at 23:09 (CEST) was heading to Cairo and disappeared from the radar.  

The plane was traveling at an altitude of 37,000 feet (11,280 meters) and it disappeared after entering Egyptian airspace. The flight was carrying 59 passengers and 10 crew members.

The last known position of the plane was above the Mediterranean Sea, according to

Egypt’s civil aviation ministry stated that search and rescue teams are already looking for the missing plane and the technical information about the condition of the flight is being gathered.

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Egypt is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. The tourism industry of the Egypt is badly hit following the downing of a Russian jet last year and the ongoing Islamist insurgency. A string of bomb attacks in the country also affected the industry.

Earlier in March, an EgyptAir plane was hijacked and forced to land in Cyprus. The flight was flying from Alexandria to Cairo and the man who hijacked the plane faked the suicide belt to land the plane. However, the man was arrested later after he gave himself up.

19 May 2016
Avni S.Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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