
US President Biden On Indian Capabilities In The US: “Indian-Americans Taking Over US!”

There’s hardly a doubt about the esteemed presence of several countless Indians in the largest economy of the world- the United States of America. Indians, who had moved to the United States in the past several decades have risen to several prominent positions representing the cultural, intellectual and business milieu of the powerful heartland called America.

Whether it is the field of Medical Sciences, or the field of Engineering, even spheres like Biotechnology, Financial Services, Banking and Commerce and several other pillars of the American society, there’s been an unbridled contribution of Indian-Americans in shaping the trajectory of a country that is revered around the world.

Now, in the wake of the upheaval of the bygone Trump Administration, as a new power arose in the form of President Joe Biden, the buck hasn’t stopped as the trend continues.

Several key Indian-Americans form a key part of the jubilant Biden Administration that’s set to reform America and shape a new history of the great country in its post-Trump era.

And interestingly though, President Biden, duly recognizing this vital cog in the US armory had pleasant things to share about the key facet of the administration.

So a vital question is this- what exactly did the 46th President of the United States of America say on the role being played by the Indian-Americans in shaping the contours of growth and development of the country and why’s it making news?

But before we get to the bottom of the story, here’s an important fact one ought to know:

Even before he’d reach two months in the White House (i.e., 60 days), America’s newest president Biden has appointed no fewer than 55 Indian-Americans to key leadership positions in his administration. These newly elected personnel form key roles in the close-knit administration of the President, with divergent roles such as speech writer to the NASA filling in key spots.

Truth be told, one can only say that there’s an emphatic representation of the Indian-American community in almost every sphere that constitutes the Biden Administration.

Now, in a recent media interaction, here’s what Biden had to say on the aforementioned subject:

Indian-of-descent Americans (sic) are taking over the country. You (Swati Mohan), my Vice President  (Kamala Harris), my speech writer (Vinay Reddy),” Biden said in a virtual interaction with the Nasa Scientists who were involved in the historic landing of Perseverance landing at Mars.

If that’s not interesting and telling of the great heights India has gone on to achieve, then one wonders- what is?

Furthermore, here’s what the NDTV had to say on the said story surrounding President Biden’s views on the glowing contribution of the Indian-American community:

Biden, who was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, has created history by appointing at least 55 Indian-Americans to key positions in his administration. This does not include Vice President Kamala Harris, which is an elected position, and Neera Tanden, who a day earlier withdrew her nomination from the position of Director of White House Office of Management and Budget.

Nearly half of them are women and a sizable number of them are working in the White House. So far, the Obama-Biden administration (2009-2017) has the distinction of appointing the largest number of Indian-Americans in any administration, the previous Donald Trump administration was not lagging far behind as it appointed the first ever Indian-American with a cabinet rank and inside the National Security Council.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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