
What Is Covaxin, And Is It Reliable?

At a time where the great impetus is on “Make in India,” here is something that indeed is and is made from the scratch. And probably, no news editor, (slightly in tune with reality at a time where it is becoming difficult to differentiate between the real and unreal) would consider the following to be a horrible headline or so the author of this piece thinks: Enter Covaxin, exit COVID 19. What do you reckon?

Image Source: PTI

While COVID 19, it seems is here to say, the vaccine probably is not intending for the unwelcome guest to last all that long. And why should that be the case also since there’s got to be someone and some instrument of liberation. And especially when one’s suffered what can only be called an ordeal.

Isn’t it?

So while we all were left gasping, something that just wasn’t was Covaxin and this absolutely, purely, dearly “make-in-India” vaccine, it appears, is the possible liberator.

That being said, the following is what Bharat Biotech, the force behind Covaxin has had to say on what could very well be the solution;

Indias indigenous COVID-19 vaccine by Bharat Biotech is developed in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)National Institute of Virology (NIV). The indigenous, inactivated vaccine is developed and manufactured in Bharat Biotechs BSL-3 (Bio-Safety Level 3) high containment facility.

The vaccine received DCGI approval for Phase I & II Human Clinical Trials and the trials commenced across India from July 2020.

After successful completion of the interim analysis from the Phase 1 & 2 clinical trials of COVAXINTM, Bharat Biotech received DCGI approval for Phase 3 clinical trials in 26,000 participants in over 25 centres across India.

In addition to the above, where this vaccine, one which is being told is bankable or trustworthy, has already created a furore. But wait a sec; it’s not Covaxin’s fault.

In fact, it’s the polarising political diatribe involving the Congress and BJP that has made the vaccine make headlines it never really deserved or should have made in the first place, truth be told:

A report from NDTV on the exchange of words (rather reactions surrounding Covaxin) has already taken shape and states:

Congress leaders Shashi Tharoor and Jairam Ramesh, and Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav had pointed out that Covaxin lacked efficacy data to show the vaccine’s effectiveness before it was approved for emergency use.

“Disgraceful for anyone to politicise such a critical issue. Sh @ShashiTharoor, Sh @yadavakhilesh & Sh @Jairam_Ramesh don’t try to discredit well laid out science-backed protocols followed for approving #COVID19 vaccines. Wake up & realise you are only discrediting yourselves,” Harsh Vardhan tweeted.

Also Read: Can Detergents really kill the Coronavirus? What are the Alternatives to Clean the House?

Think of it! At a time where the entirety of the country should be keen to rally behind a much-needed solution- one whose time is now- we are evading the right call to action and still reading about political mudslinging. How uncool is that?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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