Categories: India

Twitterati Are Nailing ‘Spoke To My Ex’ Joke And It Is Getting Funnier Than Ever!

Twitter is a place where you can find various artists and by artists I mean people who can turn almost anything into an hilarious joke or meme. People here on Twitter are not only creative but also they know what to say and when. These are not famous stand up comedians, instead they are the tiny part of the stardust which keeps this platform famous and relevant to the world. Some of them are the master of such bright minds that they never fail to amuse, in fact their puns are praise worthy.

Recently, a ‘Spoke To My Ex’ joke broke the internet and got viral in no time.

Then this writer took an inspiration and turned it into a beautiful short story.

But as soon as these twitterati had a glance at it they pulled out their creative guns and posted jokes that will make you laugh so loud that people will come and ask what happened?

Here Are Some Of The Brilliant Jokes By Twitterati’s:

Dear Twitter, Thank You For Giving Such Hidden Amusing Minds A Platform As They Make Our Lives A Little Happier!

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Avni S. Singh

Published by
Avni S. Singh
Tags: India

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