
Taj Mahal’s Revenue Tops Rs 200 Crore In Past 3 Years

Taj Mahal! These are two simple and distinctly beautiful words that when put together produce a poignant and beautiful epitome of love. It’s like a symphony. A melody. It’s a tale of love, it’s a narrative etched in pure admiration and profound adulation. This melange of two isolated words brings us perhaps the most profound meaning of love that can ever be! Isn’t it? There aren’t many things around that can manage to match the beauty and delight that Taj Mahal brings to the fore.

The quote that goes on like this- you don’t just come to India to discover India but to discover yourself, in some way also tells you a lot about what you stand to discover when you immerse yourself in the beauty of the Taj Mahal.

But in the usual course of the discussion, the talk about this world-famous, widely visited and tremendously adored historical monument, more often than not, concerns its majestic beauty. One doesn’t quite dwell into matters that deal with the financial input that the famous touristic spot generates- isn’t it?

So in that perspective, one doesn’t quite get to hear or discuss a lot about things like the Taj Mahal Revenue. To put it simply, the Taj Mahal is out there for the public and general adoration and the massive sums it generates for its awe-inspiring beauty, for the keenness of the visitors- are matters in the ambit of the government.

And here’s a perspective.

For sure, things like the Taj Mahal revenue are, after all, a massive boost toward propelling the tourism economy of a country where there is never any dearth of color, fragrances, charms, and splendor.

But if you did get to think about such a subject as the Taj Mahal revenue, then what, according to you, could its size be?

Safe so say that on this particular account, not many of us would’ve given a great deal of thought right, and for obvious reasons? All we are concerned with is that the famous monument built on and for love was made in such an exquisite way that centuries later, it is visited by people from all around the world.

But here is what is making some news: Taj Mahal Revenue.

It appears that over the course of the past 3 years, the Taj Mahal revenue has gone up to about Rs 200 crore. Can you dig that?

Now, here’s some thought. At a time where it’s common knowledge (and no longer something that would induce a shock) that the economic condition of the country is in a bit of a desperate state- among the most woeful current situations being an absolute lack of jobs, the news about Taj Mahal revenue certainly presents a huge optimism to the current government, right?

The sheer fact that the Taj Mahal revenue realized in the form of the ticket sales in the past three years has gone on to amount such a massive sum should definitely give the UP government a massive boost in confidence among times mired by economic stress.

But a question still arises. What happens to the entire sum of money that Taj generates? To that regard, here is something important, something worth knowing.

According to the official numbers from the government- a sum of around Rs 13.36 crore has already been spent or dedicated toward the massive monument’s conservation and maintenance.

But that said, above anything else- something that paints a pleasantly surprising picture in the context of the Agra-located monument is that despite the ticket prices moving upward- as seen recently- there’s been a steady rise in the number of tourists who visit the world-famous dedication to love. Few other things could be as endearing- right?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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