Categories: India

RJ Naved Has An Important Message For Gurmehar Kaur & Virender Sehwag

Gurmehar Kaur and Virender Sehwag’s placard thing has been in the limelight for almost a week now, with all the drama and tension that it brings in, this person noticed something more important than what both the parties had to say.

RJ Naved from Delhi’s 98.3 FM is a well known Radio Jockey in the country and he made this video to make his listeners and viewers realise something very important. While it’s funny, it’s also very relevant to the entire situation, I mean, how can it not be?

RJ Naved is quite popular for his social experiments and his different outlook on life, and this video is definitely a complete and appropriate proof of that.

Watch the video here:

(Source: Radio Mirchi Murga)

Yes, we should be thinking about the cause that he talked about. Well, in the end, who knew this story would take such turn.

3rd March 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla
Tags: India

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