Every time Rahul Gandhi does or says something, it instantly becomes one of the most favourite things of Twitterati to discuss and shred to pieces to. The same happened yesterday when the entire country tuned in to watch Lok Sabha TV telecasting the 12-hour-long Lok Sabha session. This no-confidence motion debate included various things to talk, debate and fight on, however, the real highlight of the session came from Congress’ side. In particular, it was Rahul Gandhi’s impromptu hug and a wink that got the masses talking and stole the entire show.
Gandhi talked about a variety of things and even asked some really important questions from the PM, but his hug and wink afterward, was something no one saw coming, not even PM Modi himself.
The entire thing evoked polar opposite reactions, however, one thing that stood out for everyone was the way Gandhi put forward his argument. And while yesterday everyone was talking about the hug and what kind of an impact it could have on the current political scenario, today it’s the wink that’s getting its due attention. The wink was for Rahul’s fellow Congress party member, Jyotiraditya Scindia in particular, some consider it to be rude and are up with some seriously harsh argument for it. Then there are the Twitter veterans who couldn’t stop themselves from joking about it, comparing it Priya Varrier’s viral wink.
So, hilarious or not, what do you think about Rahul Gandhi’s speech and gesture at the end of it, in yesterday’s no-confidence motion debate in Lok Sabha? Let us know in the comment box below.
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