Categories: India

Pakistan Confirms It Has An Indian Soldier In Custody.

Pakistan has acknowledged the fact that they have an Indian Soldier in their custody. Chandu Babulal Chavan of the 37 Rashtriya Rifles crossed the Line Of Control accidently on 29 September, just hours after the Indian Army conducted Surgical Strikes at seven Militant Bases in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK).

Pakistan’s Director General Of Military Operations (DGMO) confirmed the whereabouts of Chandu Babulal Chavan on Thursday through the official hotline. The confirmations came after two weeks since Babulal crossed the border unintentionally.

Chavan was captured by Pakistani troops in Jhandroot and is now kept at the military facility in Nikayal.

According to the Article 4 of Third Geneva Convention, it is illegal to torture any prisoner and it also states that the prisoner’s only obligation is to provide their Name, Date of Birth, Rank and Service Number. It is applicable to military personnel and civilians.

image source: The Indian Express

Rajnath Singh, The Union Home Minister, has assured that all the relevant measures are being taken to bring back the Indian Soldier to the country where he belongs.

The announcement by Pakistan has raised the hopes of Chavan’s family to meet him soon. Two weeks ago, after the Pakistani Army captured Chandu Babulal Chavan, his grandmother suffered a cardiac arrest and died after listening the news.

Gujrat Anti- Terrorism Squad has also captured two Pakistani ISI agents from the border at Kutch District on Wednesday night. Pakistan Army’s confirmation about Chandu Babulal Chavan could be a result of the ISI personnel arrest.

It would not come as a shock, if in future, Pakistan asks for the ISI agent’s freedom for releasing Chandu Babulal Chavan.

14 October 2016
Rohan Jaitly

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