Categories: India

How Lord Ganesha’s Win Over Lord Kartikeya Can Give You Major Lessons In Life!

Lord Ganesha Is More Than The Lord Of Beginnings And Destroyer of Obstacles!

Lord Ganesha, the large pot bellied god who has the head of an elephant and rides on a small mouse is an epitome of wisdom, knowledge, and prosperity. He has been noted as the esteemed god of all as deemed by his father Lord Shiva. He is popularly known as the “Vighnaharta” or the destroyer of obstacles and is worshipped before performing any activity, ritual or even in temples, his idol is always venerated before other deities.

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When I was a kid I was always curious what earned him the bestowed powers he has and deemed as the god ” who always comes first before ‘pooja’ or ritual”. Although, there are many mythological reasons behind it but my father told me a story that fascinates me even today. Parents are said to be the god of a child but how many of us really regard them as God?

Well, I don’t have the answer to that but I do and the story of Lord Ganesha inspired me to believe so. My father told me that Lord Ganesha and his elder brother Lord Kartikeya was given a contest to win to declare who is the best among all gods. It was needed because Lord Kartikeya was certain that he is the best and declared that everyone should agree to it. Looking at the pride of his elder son, Lord Shiva decided to hold a contest between both the sons to declare who is the greatest. He asked both of them to circle the whole universe three times. He told that whoever returns first will be the winner and will be worshipped first.

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Now Lord Kartikeya was positive that with his fit physique and faster ride (Peacock), he would win this race as Ganesha was overweight and had a Rat as his ride. Kartikeya left but Lord Ganesha did something which was unimaginable for Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Setting an unforgettable example of intelligence, Ganesha started to circle around his parents. His parents were taken by a surprise, so they asked Ganesha what is he doing to which he replied – My parents are my universe and that’s why I am circling around you both. Ganesha earned the respect for being the devoted son and also earned the place of being the best of all that is why he is worshipped first.
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Now this story could teach you many things and here are 4 lessons which I have learned.

1. You Should Never Consider Yourself Inferior To Anyone.

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Lord Ganesha could have panicked because he had a round belly and elephant head and was riding on a mouse. If he had considered himself any less than his elder brother, he would have been surrounded by insecurities and given up but he remained calm and thought of the best he could do. His body may have been his weakness but he knew that his knowledge is his strength, so he used it and won against the odds.

2. Wisdom Is Greater Than Any Power.

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Knowledge and wisdom are two entirely different things. When you have a lot of correct information then you become knowledgeable but when you know when and how to use that knowledge, you become wise. Ganesha is not only knowledgeable but he is the god of wisdom. He thought of the situation and found a proper way to win the task as well as he made his parents proud.

3. One Should Be A Good Listener.

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Even if you are a wise man, you would always miss out on something if you are not listening carefully. One should practice the art of listening because learning the whole information will only guide you to the best solution to any problem. Lord Ganesha was listening to the every word uttered by Lord Shiva and acted accordingly.

4. Think Before You Act.

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There is a difference between action and reaction. If you immediately respond to a situation it is a reaction but if you give it a proper thought and then move ahead with strategic manner, it is an action. One should always act after thinking enough. Lord Ganesha thought of all the aspects and then decided to circle around his Parents.

Other than these lessons, I also learned why you should always consider your parents above all. It gave him, their blessings, love and the prestige of being the best god. If you keep your parents happy, you will be showered with happiness.

May Lord Ganesha Keep Removing The Obstacles From All Of Our Lives! Ganpati Bappa Morya!

24 August 2017
Avni S. Singh
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Avni S. Singh

Published by
Avni S. Singh
Tags: India

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