
Watch: The Answers To All The Questions About Lesbians In India

India as a country, still suffers a lot in relation to have a real understanding of the LGBTQ community in our country. While the stigma is still breaking with one progressive family at a time, there’s a long road to walk on for us, in order to de-stigmatize this notion.

While gay relationships are slowly and steadily coming out in the forefront, be it in terms of media or society in general, Lesbians are still going through a lot in order to make their existence feel in the society. For instance, there have been very few movies in Bollywood that showed the presence of lesbian relationships in the society. And this somehow affects many who are not able to make their voices heard and can’t even portray what a real lesbian looks and feels and sees like.
There are many questions that a lesbian woman is subjected to, which are full of idiocy at times, but then, this is how the people of our society are. Blatant with their thoughts and questions.

This video, by Gaysi Family, asks and then answers a lot of those questions in the most normal and real way possible. Almost every LGBTQ member can relate to it, even when its main focus lies on a lesbian woman and her journey to answer the society is an epic way.

There are many things that this video cuts open, like gender roles and sexuality, are two completely different things that should not be interrelated, which is a major problem that many queer people face.

22nd February 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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