On Thursday, while speaking on the inaugural day of the budget session, Governor P. Sathasivam announced that Kerala will set up a public registry of sex offenders in the state. The reason behind the move is considered to a recent case of an actress being abducted by a gang of seven members in a car, while she was on her way to work. This incident caused a lot of stir in the state regarding the safety of women on roads.
On Thursday afternoon, a massive fire broke out at a plastic company’s godown in the Sadar Bazaar area of Delhi. As per the officials, the fire was big, however, no casualties have been reported yet. It took the fire department about 2 hours to douse the flames.
The Centre argues in National Green Tribunal (NGT) against the ban on the vehicle that is older than 10 years. They said that there are different studies out there which state that vehicles are not major contributors to air pollution. This statement was made during the hearing of Lawyer Vardhman Kaushik’s petition against the poor air quality in the city.
Almost 61% turned out today to vote in the fourth phase of Uttar Pradesh elections. The turnout is said to be up by 2.3% from the elections in 2012. Areas like Bundelkhand, Allahabad, Raebareli and many others came under the fourth phase of the election.
23rd February 2017
Jyotsna Amla
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