
More Indian Students Heading Toward UK Today Than Before

The United Kingdom, despite Her Majesty’s majestic kingdom currently evidencing challenging times thanks to the tricky situation pertaining to the Brexit deal, still very much has the charm and allure as a nation to stand apart from the rest of the nations.

Whether its the allure pertaining to the British engineering might, the cultural strength of the country that is reflected through the genius of Pink Floyd or The Beatles, the magnetic charm of enjoying its thespians’ contribution toward making Hollywood a better place- think of Lawrence Olivier, think of Elizabeth Taylor, or for that matter, the serenity that the mere presence of Rolls Royce commands on a piece of road- there are certain things unforgivably charming and, British!

But for the longest time a big reason behind England’s great prominence among the world’s thinking elites has been the presence of prestigious and unmistakably respected institutes; revered centres of learning that have furthered one’s intellect. The names of Oxford and Cambridge strike the mind.

You don’t merely go to England for pursuing varying educational forms; you seek intellectual mentation in a culture that attracts as much as it generates awe and inspiration.

That there are several enterprising steams of educational learning also explains why countless students, to this day, take the flight to England for education.

In fact, at this time, the number of Indian students studying in the UK is far more than the numbers of the past.

On that count, it’s important to note that the number of Indian students studying in the UK- at the present moment- simply indicates to a 63 per cent rise. These numbers were confirmed by the latest immigration statistics, which came out with its report on Tuesday.

That being told, there are several incredible and interesting numbers that simply explain the allure behind studying in the UK; the catch that tells why the number of Indian students studying in the UK is eviding a high like never before.

The Economic Times stated-

The latest statistics released by the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveal that 30,550 Indian students received a Tier 4 Study Visa for the year ending September 2019, up from nearly 18,730 the previous year.

“This is now the third consecutive year in which the numbers have increased. It is important to us because these young leaders of tomorrow will reinforce the living bridge that connects India and the UK,” said Sir Dominic Asquith, the UK High Commissioner to India, who said the statistics confirm that more Indians are choosing to study at the UK’s “world-class educational institutions”.

The ONS data overall indicates that over the last decade, around 270,000 Indian students have chosen the UK as a higher education destination.

For a country that is currently undergoing a challenging phase, in its surge to rediscover itself, whether on the international politics or geopolitical fronts- in a world mired by economic challenges, this news should provide a smile to those who firmly believe that the “sun doesn’t set on the English empire.”

Isn’t it? What do you think?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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