
How’s The Weather Going To Hold In North India In The Next Few Days?

Delhi already experienced the day that can, very clearly be called the most brutal outing of the ongoing heat wave. With the weather actually touching 49.5 degrees celsius, the last 24 hours (that have gone by- and fortunately so), were the toughest to endure.

Meanwhile, a further west of Delhi, i.e., Jaipur already experienced its hottest summer day at 45 degrees, which was barely a few days back.

Wherever you are, says your concerned mom or caring father or at least, some worried family member, “stay indoors.” In fact, given the intensity of the summer heat wave during these peak days in the month of May, things have come to such an extent that many schools in the country’s national capital (New Delhi) have been deliberating to cut down on the working (or functional) hours especially for the younger or junior kids classes.

That’s serious speak and not an instance of lame humour. It’s not hot outside; rather, the weather is oozing fire.

And, of course, without a modicum of doubt, it ought to be said that what accompanies the severity of the heat wave here in north of India, is the heat stroke.

In some ways, therefore, it may no longer be way off the mark to suggest that whether it is the peak summers that we are witnessing at the moment or the biting winters, that effectively begin in December and take full shape in the months of January and February, the weather now, more or less, takes extreme shape.

It’s something that we have no control over. One of those situations where, as mortal beings, we have to simply face the ire of the nature and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Except tread along cautiously.

Now, having said the above, most are curious to know as to how might the heatwave treat us in the coming days or simply put, how intense might the summer days laying ahead be?

Here is what you need to know (inputs taken from the revered NDTV):

The automatic weather stations at Najafgarh, Mungeshpur, Sports Complex, Jafarpur, Ayanagar, Pitampura and Ridge recorded a maximum temperature of 44.7 degrees Celsius, 44.4 degrees Celsius, 44 degrees Celsius, 43.9 degrees Celsius, 43.4 degrees Celsius, 43.3 degrees Celsius and 43.1 degrees Celsius, respectively.

On Sunday, the mercury leapt to 49.2 degrees Celsius at Mungeshpur in northwest Delhi and 49.1 degrees Celsius at Najafgarh.

The IMD said a thunderstorm or a dust storm may further bring the mercury down by a few notches on Tuesday.

The temperature will start rising again on Wednesday and may hit the 45-degree mark on Friday, it said.

Now that being told, given that the imminent weather situation does point to a thunderstorm, in some ways, one reckons, it’s just what the (weather) doctor ordered. If that can not bring a respite of sorts, then one is clearly compelled to ask, what might?

But then those who are not in a Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and are, as a matter of fact, up in the north, are bound for some exciting few days as the weather updates look ahead. So how is that?

Well, find out for yourself here:

The Meteorological Department in Himachal Pradesh’s Shimla said thunderstorms and rain along with light hailstorms are expected in parts of the state from Monday to Wednesday.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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