The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV F-09), carrying Rs 235-crore South Asia satellite (GSAT-9), took off at 4 pm from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Andhra Pradesh’s Sriharikota. The GSAT-9 satellite, will help improve communication, weather updates, disaster management and connectivity solutions for seven nations including India, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, “On May 5, India will launch the South Asia Satellite. The benefits of this satellite will go a long way in meeting the developmental needs of the countries participating in this project”.
After the Banking Regulation (Amendments) Ordinance got a nod from President Pranab Mukherjee, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley addressed a press conference said, “RBI required to be empowered with relation to specifically stressed assets (NPAs). Section 35A of banking regulation act deals with policy directives. Reserve Bank has come out with different schemes to deal with stressed assets. We feel necessary that RBI is empowered in this regard”. He also announced a host of new initiatives including sale of assets, reduction of overhead, closure of non-profitable branches, business turnaround, etc. Among other provisions, RBI was empowered to instruct public sector banks to issue instructions to resolve the issue to increasing Non-Performing Assets and appoint authorities as well as form committees to advise these PSU’s on how to deal with their biggest defaulters.
North Korea’s Ministry of State Security accused South Korea and the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on Friday of plotting Kim Jong-Un’s assassination. The ministry said, “We will ferret out and mercilessly destroy to the last one the terrorists of the US, CIA” while claiming that US and Seoul-run organization were “supporting” a terrorist group that infiltrated North Korea to stage a biochemical attack against Kim. the accusation comes amid rising tensions between the US and North Korea and Donald Trump’s warning of a major conflict between the two nations.
The Civil Aviation Ministry announced rules for passengers who will be categorized in the No-Fly list. Civil Aviation Minister of State, Jayant Sinha said, “India is one of the only countries to have such a list in order to look out for the safety of passengers, and not just banning people based on their criminal activities. The announcement came weeks after Ravindra Gaikwad, a Shiv Sena MP, assaulted an Air India employee after not getting a business class. The details about this announcement were disclosed through tweets.
BSE’s Benchmark Sensex ended Friday’s trade at 29,858.80 after losing 267.41 points due to weak global trends amid renewed slide in crude prices. NSE’s Nifty also took a hit and lost 74.60 points before ending below the 9300-mark at 9,285.30. Indian Rupee, on the other hand, lost 20 paise against the US Dollar before settling at 64.38 on fresh demand from importers and banks on Friday.
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