Categories: India

Evidence Indicates That Murthal Rapes Did Happen During Jat Quota Protests and 4 Other Updates

1. Evidence indicates that Murthal rapes did happen in last year’s protests.

The Punjab and Haryana courts on Thursday said that there are enough evidence and witnesses with the courts to show that rapes and assaults did occur at Murthal during Jat quota protests. The protests date back to last year’s February when thousands of people from the Jat community protested for getting a quota. The court has accused Special Investigation Team of working in an unprofessional manner and making deliberate attempts to drop charges in these cases.

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2. Flipkart became India’s most-trusted e-commerce website, again.

E-commerce giant Flipkart retained its No. 1 position of India’s most trusted e-commerce website. Flipkart is on the number 1 spot for the fourth time in a row, according to ‘The Indian E-tailing Leadership Index’. It was also the fastest in terms of order fulfillment and delivery.

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3. FIR filed against actress Rati Agnihotri and her husband.

A FIR has been filed against Bollywood actress Rati Agnihotri and her husband, Anil Virwani, on charges of electricity theft.  As per police, the couple had a three-phase meter in their house, however, on paper they were using a one-phase meter to pay less. The couple has been booked under Section 135 of the Electricity Act.

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4. Air India removes 57 over-weight cabin crew members from flying duty.

The government-owned Air India removes 57 over-weight cabin crew members from flying duty and has shifted them to ground staff. This is a temporary action, however, the management has told the shifted members to ‘shape up’ or else they will be permanently shifted to the ground staff.

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5. RBI working on a plan to reduce online charges.

In order to promote online transaction in the country, the Reserve Bank of India is working on a plan to reduce online transaction charges. This would help in encouraging online transaction among the people, as per RBI Governor Urjit Patel.

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20 January 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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