
Ever Heard Of A Touch-Free Doorbell? A Delhi Schoolboy Invented That!

It’s just the kind of news that would leave many hearts glad and with a sense of wonder. Yes, just that sense of wonder that meets us when we are in school, sporting a twinkle with the eye and high hopes in the heart. At a time where much of the world is having to hold back, doing nothing better than just sitting back, waiting for normalcy to take control, here’s a piece of news that will make India break into a smile. Or should one say, primarily the city of Delhi?

Business Today

After all, there’s always something beautiful and amazing when a young life upholds something fascinating and worth talking about. Isn’t it? A few hours back, there emerged a piece of news that broke through the mundane and offered yet another insight into the dynamic and positive mind frame of our youth.

It appears that a Delhi-based schoolboy recently invented the touch-free doorbell. Yes, you read that right. Some ray of positivity finally from the very city where, of late, there’s been nothing better or worth noting about than the Hindu-Muslim politicising even during the torrid time of Corona lockdown.

So who is this Delhi school-boy who’s struck a chord with one and everyone?

News reports can’t stop raving about, as they should, about a student of Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, whose avid youngster Sarthak Jain, who’s no older than Standard XI and has been the creator of a touch-free doorbell.

But apparently, there’s an interesting catch between Sarthak Jain’s brand new development and the challenging times we are amid.

It appears that at the heart of Sarthak Jain’s creation is the very novel idea to break the chain of the Coronavirus. So how is that?

On further deliberation, it became clear that Sarthak Jain’s creation- an automated touchless doorbell with electronic sensors- can on its own, detect the presence of a person from within 30 to 50 centimetres of the door-bell.

And here’s the great catch. When this actually happens, the bell on its own, creates a ‘beep’ sound, thereby removing and completely eradicating the need for one to actually press the doorbell in order to announce the arrival.

Now if that’s not one heck of a creation, then one wonders, what is?

The online publication Telangana Today published the following report on its platform that examines the details of this promising development:

“I programmed Arduino such that when the ultrasonic sensor will detect the presence of an individual in the range of 50cm it will respond by producing a buzzer sound,” Jain said. “Amidst corona pandemic I see everyone wearing a mask even while they are in home or balconies. This compelled me to contemplate on all possible ways that this virus could be brought to my home. It struck me that even doorbell can be one of the potential carriers. So I decided to design a smart doorbell,” Jain explained.

The above told, let’s get down to the bottom of the touch-less door-bell’s discovery. What was the need for its creation, after all?

Sarthak Jain was of the view that the door-bell is a common carrier of so many viruses that come to surface upon being contacted by different individuals.

Now when there won’t be a need to press the door-bell, how would the viruses travel further?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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