
CM Amarinder Singh has this to say on PM Modi, something that won’t go down well with BJP

Congress and BJP. BJP and Congress.

No matter how you view these two political parties or regardless of the order you state their name in, merely stating the name of these springs to mind some view or sentiment.

Isn’t it?

When not peeling each other’s skins off inside the parliament, you get to hear their respective leaders play ‘tug of war’ on national media, each and every day. In fact, that’s not all.

There’s a familiar sense of discord that binds the two parties in respect of taking out each other. Having said that, regardless of the two parties, there is one leader, in particular, whose name springs multifold reaction and instantly so.

In case, you are wondering who that would be, then do you even require a consolation prize for guessing?

Well, Mr Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of the country, who else?

An immensely important public figure, an ostentatious initiator of policies that have the fight of corruption at their heart, and a gifted orator- PM Narendra Modi excites as much as he entertains. And in a country that does take its films and cricket a bit too seriously, it’s only fine and just that in Narendra Modi, we’ve got a Prime Minister with some flavour.

Now, that said, not everybody- but, of course- is a huge fan of PM Narendra Modi. And there are two reasons for it, primarily.

First, that he is, well, the Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy, a country whose economy is ruling Asia, being considered a ‘tiger economy.’ Second, that despite his success and the programs he’s implemented for the development of the country, Narendra Modi is obviously going to have rivals and enemies since he’s but the PM of India, among the fastest growing economies of the world.


There’s not much to contest here- isn’t it?

But having said that, among the most vocal critics of Modi, it now appears, is someone of eminence from the opposition party. Do you know who that is: Captain Amarinder Singh, who’s a man of no small stature, being the CM of Punjab, does not really have great things to say about India’s strongest political personality, at this point in time.

Speaking on the news in elaboration, popular national news websites such as News Nation shared the following on the developing story where CM Amarinder Singh is speaking on Modi.

Here’s what you need to know:

Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh hit out at PM Narendra Modi over the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case and for “taking credit” for the Kartarpur Corridor issue.

Interestingly, the views of CM Amarinder Singh, in regards to Modi come a day within the feedback that the Prime Minister sharing his views on the 1984 Sikh Riots, an area that is wide,g debated and that too, to this day.

And that said, implicit in heart of what ‘Captain Saab’ shared on the ultimate political personality is the following:

“The ‘jumlebaaz‘ Prime Minister has brought the nation to its nadir with his deceptions and fabrications, and was staring at his moment of judgement at the hands of the people, who are set to throw him out of power for good…One wonders with what face Modi intends to go back to the people of India to seek re-election a few weeks from now,” he said.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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