
Blast Near Israeli Embassy in Delhi, Luckily None Injured!

Time and again, there are attacks and direct threats leveled at the Jewish state of Israel. The longest form of hatred, antisemitism, continues to find a place in these times, the irony being this is the age where values like human rights and liberty are relevant like never before. So in what only be called a bitter occasion for Israel, the start of the new year for the Jewish state, albeit miles away from its dominion- here in India- was anything but memorable.

A low key blast, that thankfully didn’t involve any casualties rocked the area in the vicinity of the Israeli embassy in Delhi on January 29, 2021. While not a single person was injured, as per the news reports, there were 3 cars that received damaged as a result of the incident.

That being said, the incident did, as a matter of fact, add a grim face to the occasion of the 29th anniversary of Indo-Israeli ties. But the forgettable episode does give birth to a question:

Is this the first time, in all these years, where a blast aimed at or around the Israeli embassy in Delhi rocked the establishment?

Truth be told, it was back in 2012, where an unfortunate incident took place around the Israeli embassy in Delhi. In what turned out to be a direct shot (threat) leveled at an Israeli diplomat, a bomb blast involved an Embassy SUV driven by a high-ranking Israeli diplomat.

While it’s been well over half a decade since that unfortunate incident took place, it still serves chills to think what would’ve happened had the lady, who was on her way to fetch her children from the school would’ve fallen victim to the vicious attack (a direct threat on life)?

That being said, it didn’t take all that long to establish the perpetrators, and what turned out from the incident was the fact that the Israeli and the hostile elements targeting its sovereignty in the Middle East had found a new playground to confront one other- India being at the centre of the storm.

That said, more information on the blast that took place in New Delhi on January 29, in the new year confirms that the event too place around 17:05 PM.

A report published on the India Today network highlighted some important details:

The Delhi Police Special Cell is on the spot to investigate the matter. The entire area has been cordoned off and heavy deployment of police forces has been made.

“A very low-intensity improvised device went off at 5.05pm near 5 APJ Abdul Kalam Road near Jindal house. No injury to any person is there and nor any damage to property was witnessed, except window panes of three vehicles parked nearby,” the Delhi Police said in a statement.

But while it must be said that luckily, no major damage was caused as a result of the unwanted incident, had it been a high-intensity blast, greater damage could well have occurred because of the proximity of the spot (of the blast) with a key function taking place at a distance of just a handful of kilometers:

A media report highlights this precisely, as follows:

“This blast occurred at a spot that is less than 2 km from Vijay Chowk, where the Beating Retreat ceremony is being held. The ceremony is being attended by President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, among others.”

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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