
An Indian Businessman Was The Only Passenger On An Air India Flight To Dubai!

When you fly not in the economy class but fly business class, you know you are in some elite company. Similarly, the exclusivity afforded to you when you are not an economy class passenger is when you travel exclusive first class. You are no longer in what Dr. Tharoor once erroneously called, “Cattle Class!” Right? But imagine, if there were a situation where you were the only passenger aboard a flight with there being no one else in the air?

What might that situation be? Perhaps, scary to some but with riddled with a sense of enchantment for the rest or shall we say, most others?

Truth be told, there are few things that give maximum or as much pleasure as being upgraded in a flight. Isn’t that right? What are your thoughts in this sort of situation? Moreover, at times, this is exactly what transpires when one flies solo, not that this is something one may have necessarily planned, well unless and until one’s being piloted around in a personal jet.

So this Indian businessman found himself traveling almost akin to a Maharaja when an Air India flight bound for Dubai found him as the only passenger on board. Can you imagine? It’s not a lie; for this is precisely what transpired.

Image: NDTV

The concerned person, of Indian descent and an Indian based in Dubai, was actually the only passenger who got the chance of experiencing something once-in-a-lifetime when it turned out he was the only passenger on the Air India flier.

This truly beckons a question- just how often do such things happen in real life?

And in truly expressing his joy of being a Maharaja aboard the famous carrier Air India’s flight, this is what the Dubai based businessman happened to share courtesy an exclusive conversation with the NDTV news platform:

SP Singh Oberoi, who holds a 10-year golden visa of UAE, flew from Amritsar in Punjab to Dubai on an Air India flight on Wednesday, according to a report in news agency ANI. He was the only passenger on the plane, apart from the flight crew.

The United Arab Emirates’ “golden” visa system grants 10-year residency in the Gulf state to certain professionals and prominent global personalities.

Mr Oberoi is the managing trustee of Sarbat Da Bhala Trust, president of Asian Gatka Foundation, and founder and chairman of Apex Group Of Companies, according to his social media profiles.

“I felt like a maharaja (king) during my travel,” he told ANI after the three-hour flight.

Furthermore, it is important to note what’s been happening on the front of India and Dubai flight routes:

Flight operations were suspended between India and the UAE for the public since April 24 due to a spike in COVID-19 cases during the second coronavirus wave. However, UAE officials have allowed diplomats, golden visa holders, and Emiratis to travel from India amid the travel ban, a report said.

Also Read: Arrests Made In Delhi Regarding Blasts Near Israeli Embassy! Is The Mossad Watching?

Truly speaking, just about anyone would want to experience the creme de la creme flying experience, the kinds of which that this lucky gentleman was able to get in the recent times. Isn’t it right?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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