
5 Must Visit Indian Cities in Diwali Season

Diwali, the ‘festival of lights’ is definitely one of the biggest festivals celebrated in India and it is not just about crackers and new clothes. The festival has a very emotional importance for the Hindus in India as on this day Lord Rama returned to his Kingdom after completing a 14 year exile and defeating Ravana.

India is in a joyous mood at this time of the year and a feeling of togetherness can be sensed in all parts of the country. Every family tries to reunite on this special occasion and celebrate the festival with joy and happiness.

But if you are living alone and want to experience what Diwali is all about then you should visit the following cities. These are the places where the Diwali Celebrations are the best ones.

1. Varanasi

Varanasi always remains abuzz with some kind of activity but in the Diwali season, the aura becomes all the more mesmerising with diyas lit everywhere one’s eyes can go and the sound of firecrackers that can be heard all night long. You can witness why the city is known as the City Of Lights at this time of the year.

image source: lonelyplanet

The Ganga Aarti is definitely a show stopper in which you can listen to many religious chants and watch diyas floating all over the Ganges Ghats. To experience the best view of the Diwali celebration, make sure you opt for a riverside hotel.

2. Kolkata

Kolkata’s Diwali celebrations are a bit different when compared to the other cities. While Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped in the other cities of India, Kolkata has the tradition of worshiping Goddess Kali as the Lakshmi puja is done exactly 5 days after Dussehra in Kolkata. All the Kali temples are decorated with diyas and dazzling flowers and a huge queue of people can be seen waiting even before the sunrise.

image source: vishvatimes

The markets remain shut on the Diwali Day and roaming around the city while enjoying the the scenic beauty of firecrackers in the sky is once in a lifetime experience.

3. Goa

Goa is the most visited Indian city by tourists from around the world and if you want to experience the beaches and casinos while enjoying the joyful festival of Diwali, then this is a must visit place for you. A life size paper-made statue of Mahisasur, filled with grass and crackers is burnt at four in the morning to mark the start of a new and happy life or we can say the triumph of good over bad.

image source: kenathjayashankarmenon.wordpress

If you do not want to explore Goa then the best way is to stay at a beach and enjoy with your friends with the sounds of firecrackers in the background.

4. Amritsar

There is nothing like homemade food and Diwali of Amritsar period. Amritsar may be famous for the Golden Temple and the population majorly consist of the Sikh community but, Diwali is celebrated at a grand scale as it also marks the return of Sikh community’s sixth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, who freed himself from the Mughal Ruler Jahangir and returned to the Golden Temple in 1619.

image source: scoophub

You can witness the Golden Temple’s shrine shining even more due the numerous lamps placed at the corners of the lake.

5. Jaipur

If you want to feel the Diwali celebrations of Jaipur, you have to experience it yourself. Jaipur is also known as the Pink City but the festival infuse many other colours to the aura of the city. Market are decorated to the fullest and the government even organise a competition in which the best decorated market is awarded. The decorations attract visitors from all over the world, as not just markets but residential buildings are also decorated in the same way and the resultant beauty is somewhat hypnotic.

image source: travel.allwomenstalk

So no matter where you choose to go among the places listed above, just remember that Diwali is a festival of light, coming together and being with people who you love and care about. Thus, take the people with whom you want to spend Diwali and make it special, by spending it in a new place. You never know, how special an outing can be if spent right.

Happy Diwali

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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