Categories: India

23 Dead And 50 Injured In A Major Fire In Sum Hospital, Bhubaneswar

23 dead and 50 injured in a major fire that broke out in the dialysis ward of Sum Hospital which is a leading private healthcare hospital and medical institute in Bhubaneswar. The fire started at around 7:30 on Monday evening.

The reason behind the fire is said to be a short circuit on the second floor of the hospital, where the dialysis department of the hospital is, and it submerged the entire floor in the tragedy within minutes. Soon after the fire mishap, all patients were shifted from the ward to a much safer place. Many lost their lives due to asphyxiation which was a result of all the smoke in the ward. And a large number of people were injured while trying to escape from the chaos and smoke.

Basant Pati, hospital’s deputy superintendent, said that they broke some of the window panes of the ward to prevent suffocation of the patients. Few patients and people along with them, tried to rescue themselves from the fire by jumping from the second floor of the building which was immediately obviated by the police present over there. The conflagration was brought under control later in the night.

The hospital’s manager along with two electrical and fire officers have been suspended.

Orissa’s Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik, visited the hospital where the tragedy happened and took shock of the situation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to the CM and offered all help that they require in dealing with the tragedy. He also mourned for the lives lost in the adversity.

The CM also tweeted that the expenses of the treatment of the injured would be carried by the State Government from CM relief fund.


18 October 2016
Jyotsna Amla

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