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The Solution Versus The Problem: A Perspective

It’s cool to be geeky, it’s a fad to show off, but have you tried solving the quantum physics problem in a single night?  

Regardless of profession or title, at some level, we are all hired to do the same job. We are all problem solvers, paid to anticipate, identify, prevent, and solve problems within our areas of expertise. This applies to any job, at any level, in any organization, anywhere in the world, and being aware of this is absolutely vital to job search and career success in any field.

Every problem has a solution provided we have the end goal, the intent in mind. “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them,” ― Albert Einstein. You have to first define the problem. Go its root cause with the big picture in sight. Once identified, the focus then should be to take the responsibility to stay till the end, stay right until you have solved it. Instead of finding the problem to a solution, the mindset needs a complete overhaul to reverse the approach.    

An unsolved problem bothers one’s mind, just as a small stone in the shoe, until an idea for solving the problem comes to mind. Problems will stop bothering you as long as you believe that you will find a solution. The harder we think a problem is initially can be overturned simply with a tweak in perspective. Simply telling oneself that it can be done. Generating creative ideas regularly primes us in our approach to solving problems. A person who can see multiple sides to any dilemma, and structure a series of useful insights possesses an optimistic nature. A self-confident person is often a good problem solver and stress manager, self-reflective, and able to clearly observe, articulate, and take ownership of his faults and vulnerabilities.

Image: Freepik

The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution. Problems don’t fix themselves until you fix your attitude toward them. And yes, most problems can be solved with time and effort, so don’t give up. A quiet corner where you meet yourself is so valuable that you get mental clarity over there that can make the best plan to fix whatever problem you have. Problem solvers are always compatible, optimized, and ahead. They are achievers. They don’t try to find the solutions they look for it. Don’t try to fix the problem first, fix your thinking. 

The brain was made to grow and it grows by solving problems. Solving a complicated problem can be frustrating. You can have good problem-solving skills, but sometimes a problem seems like it has no solution. We need to learn to let go of comfortable solutions and instead embrace ones that are actually effective. The real problem-solvers need to be empowered. They need to keep the motivation going. Their creative bend of mind is the key to solving a problem.

It turns out that behind every issue there’s a very interesting story. And if you stick with identifying the true root causes and eliminating them, you’ll have it all under control. To fix the root cause of a dysfunctional system, you need to look out of the system in order to look into the system. When you confront a problem, you begin to solve it. We do not grow when things are going well. We grow when things are challenging. Problems are the key ingredient in personal growth. When we work on problems bigger than us, we oil the whole growth paradigm.

The problem, like a virus, has its structures. To solve a problem is to crash the structure because structures make things work. Patterns are structural, so find the design of the problem. This way we can surmount any challenge. Building a comprehensive problem-solving framework is about leveraging a structured methodology that allows you to frame problems systematically and solve problems creatively. Pattern thinking enables to capture deep insight into complex problems systematically.

When you are at the beginning of your project you feel the highest amount of uncertainty. You don’t know if your ideas will work and writing a business plan is no guarantee of success. A good way to start is by focusing on the product’s vision by writing a future press release.  The goal is to write a future press release that introduces the product, explains why it exists, and describes why it should matter to your customers. Begin with the end in mind for both; solving the problem or creating a strategy.

Think logically, and you have a chance to solve a problem. Reacting emotionally to it prolongs and worsens your dilemma.  All solutions lay in-between thoughts. When you solve your problems yourself you get a kick out of it. And it’s addictive.  When you address and acknowledge unpleasant realities, your creativity begins to soar and you come up with apparently magical solutions to problems. Solution thinking takes you to the next level. The solution to most of our problems lies within us. So we might as well look inwards when taking on a problem.

Also Read: Love: The Concept, The Urge And The belief

Image: Freepik / pch.vector

Solutions don’t solve problems, they just move the problem somewhere else. Simple-minded people find simple solutions to their problems. If you get stuck, get away from your desk. Take a walk, take a bath, go to sleep, make a pie, draw, listen to ­music, meditate, exercise; whatever you do, don’t just stick there scowling at the problem.
A problem well put is half solved. A problem is an opportunity shouting at you. If it can be thought, it can be done. And it is better to solve one problem five different ways than to solve five problems one way.

Also Read: Revolution: A Shift In The Thinking Towards Life

The biggest challenge for a society/organization is how to put the right people with the right capability in the right position to solve the right problem at the right time. Success is a collection of problems solved. Our success is determined by how many people we are able to help solve a problem or helping others to improve the level and quality of something in their life.

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Ajay K

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Ajay K

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