
Heavy First Rain In Delhi Slows Life Down

Staggering halt to peoples Sunday plans as NCT reels under flooded road owing to extremely heavy rainfall in parts of Delhi

Only a couple of hours of heavy rainfall brought the NCT to its knees on Sunday.

Torrential rain in parts of New Delhi flooded all roads and there is a report of 1 death where a man was caught under an overflowing bridge near Minto Road and could not be rescued.

In another horrid incident in Anna Nagar slums near ITO, an overflowing drain resulted in a massive sinkhole which engulfed parts of a residential area and a complete house in it. No loss of human life has been reported yet.

Delhi BJP President Adesh Gupta’s visit has been scheduled to meet affected people residing in Anna Nagar. This may sound as a case of too little too late as the government had tall claims of making the NCT a world class city with top notch amenities for its citizens. If the metro can be put to a halt in just a day’s rain, it’s only a matter of grave concern as to what would happen in case of a ‘regular’ Indian monsoon.

There have been reports of daily life being hampered due to waterlogging as even good carriers and commercial vehicles carrying passengers to the bus terminal and even the airport were stuck in flooded streets.

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