Categories: TrailersVideos

‘Barry’: The Trailer Of The Movie On Barack Obama Is One, That Can’t Be Missed!!

‘Barry’, if you are wondering why Netflix, which is the world’s leading Internet television network has made a movie about Barack Obama and named it Barry, then you must know that Obama is known to his friends as “Barry”. The movie showcases the American President in his young days when he arrived in New York City in 1981 and continues with his journey.

The movie presents Obama as a student at Columbia University and explains how he faced challenges as a black man in a racially charged environment. The struggle of maintaining his relations with his Kansas-born mother, his estranged Kenyan father, and his classmates while he was pulled between various social spheres and also maneuvering the issues on racial discrimination that are still coming to terms with 35 years later. Devon Terrell is playing young Obama in Barry and the storyline has all the ups and downs that made him the man he is today.

‘Barry’: Watch The Full Trailer Here:

( Video Courtesy: Netflix US & Canada )

The movie is directed by the former correspondent and producer with ‘Vice’ on HBO, Vikram Gandhi, who is known as one of the most recognizable of his time. The script of the Barry is written by the ‘Go The F**k To Sleep‘ fame Adam Mansbach. Though the movie is set in the days of 1981 but the story sure looks as intriguing as the personality of today’s Barack Obama’s personality.

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22 November 2016
Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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