
Mamma Mia! ABBA are back, having created music for the first time in over 30 years!

One of pop music’s most iconic and adored bands ever, ABBA are back and with a bang. It is being reported that the famous music group have only just recorded their first ever music album in over three decades.

News that is bound to get any music lover excited, let alone moving a journo instantly on his feet, ABBA’s revival is a beautiful throwback to their halcyon days. Days where numbers like Dancing Queen, The Winner Takes It All, One Of Us were a constant feature in discotheques, cars on the highways and any prom night.


And now, there’s a newfound reason to get all excited and perked up as the Swedish group are very much under the ‘disco lights’. But even as the contemporary music lovers; fans growing up on tracks centred on laconic expressions may not relate to ABBA, there’s never doubting the quality of good, solid gold.

That is what you would call a musical group that is as loved and admired as the easy-going vibe found in times where Saturday Night Live, Happy Days dominated air-times. A period of time, you would say, where there were no Drake, Rihanna or Taylor Swift, just supple dance movements on the dance floor cajoling youngsters sporting mullets not man-buns.

The Independent

But true to making a comeback in an era that bleeds for change, ABBA aren’t cutting an album that will be available on retail stores. Instead, as their Insta account shared, theirs will be a virtual reality tour. The sudden decision, the group admitted, was a rather unexpected consequence. There are new songs being made and some in the offing, but a release date hasn’t been shared yet.

It is expected that one of the songs, “I still have faith in you”, might be premiered on television sometime later in December. A special broadcast may be done by either BBC or NBC or both- it isn’t known for certain. Though it is reported, either BBC or NBC or both- it isn’t known for certain may do a special broadcast of the song.

NY Daily News

Formed back in 1972, hailing from the land of Volvo and Dolph Lundgren, it won’t be a misnomer to state that ABBA were Sweden’s most prestigious export to the pop music world. One whose name would reverberate- as it still does- in far reaching corners of the world where pop music is still loved not loathed and still admired not bemoaned. Having finally called it a day in 1983, a year synonymous for Pop music world’s greatest ever release in the form of late Michael Jackson’s release of Thriller, it will be interesting to note whether ABBA are received in the same breadth of affection and anticipation that graced them during their most unforgettable decades.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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