
Leonardo DiCaprio’s Next, “Don’t Look Up,” Has Jennifer Lawrence Talking About The Actor’s Pay Scale!

An actor par excellence. A versatile performer. An academy award winner to boot. Take the energy of Robert Downey Jr. and put it into the elan of Denzel Washington. But don’t forget to stir with with some Tom Hanks-ness with an added dash of intensity of say, someone like Christian Bale into it. And what you then get is? Leonardo DiCaprio? No, not actually. Anyways leave it.

None of the above randomly made concoctions can ever seem any more controversial or dramatic than what is already making news headlines and everywhere one looks for a certain Leonardo DiCaprio.

So the key question is- what is making news about Leonardo DiCaprio after all? What we do know after all is that his love life, his choice of women, projects and movie’s receptions do generate a lot of talk. Some bad, but mostly, good! So what is it then?

Well, one doesn’t quite know if you have followed it or not but truth certainly is that it isn’t the subject of his next- but the monies involved- in signing the legendary Leonardo DiCaprio in his next feature film that’s making much news.

And massive one, truth be told.

To some, he’s the ultimate lover boy in Hollywood. To many others- he’s the ladies man. To many he’s the marvellous face behind such distinct hits such as Titanic, Catch Me If You Can, Django Unchained and The Aviator. And in the same breath of respect and regard, the maverick actor who gave us, time and again, movies to live by for an entire lifetime!

Yet, none of the above can or will make headlines in a manner that Leonardo DiCaprio’s fees for his next (with Jennifer Lawrence) “Don’t Look Up” already is.

A few days ago, what caught the ever curious gaze of Hollywood gossip columns and news reports was the much widely debated movie fee that Leonardo DiCaprio is being paid for “Don’t Look Up.”

And truth be known, it wasn’t the greatest thing in the world too! Well, at least, that’s what they are saying, who aren’t quite happy that Leonardo DiCaprio is actually being paid rather handsomely whilst his co-star Jennifer Lawrence isn’t.

The fact that he was being paid no fewer than $USD 5 million more than his “Don’t Look Up” Co-star hasn’t really gone down well with his fans and other Hollywood junkies and critics.

But then, his own co-star, the face of the famous Silver Linings Playbook, Lawrence doesn’t seem to mind at all.

So this brings us to the question that what did she say on the matter?

“Look, Leo brings in more box office than I do. I’m extremely fortunate and happy with my deal,” she responded when asked, before expanding on the subject of pay disparity between gender at large!”

“But in other situations, what I have seen—and I’m sure other women in the workforce have seen as well—is that it’s extremely uncomfortable to inquire about equal pay. And if you do question something that appears unequal, you’re told it’s not gender disparity but they can’t tell you what exactly it is,” concluded Lawrence.

One can’t wait to see this exquisite pairing and wait to see what might the starry duo DiCaprio and Lawrence bring to the screen!

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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