Categories: Bollywood

This Vintage Video Of Priyanka Chopra And Shah Rukh Is Going Viral And We Love It!

Priyanka Chopra is winning hearts all over the world but she started off as a winner of a beauty pageant. It is her sheer effort and immense talent that she is ruling both India and west with her charm and beauty. Priyanka is one of very few actress of Bollywood who has left her mark on global stage and her success defines what a talented person she is.

In 2000 she won Miss World pageant but before that she was also crowned as Miss India in the same year. A youtube user Alok Panda uploaded a video back from the days of Miss India contest where Shah Rukh Khan is asking the final and toughest question of them all and Priyanka Chopra’s reply will make you bow in her awe as she was simply amazing.

Watch The Video Here:

(Video Source: Alok Panda)

Can you beat that? She hasn’t been influenced with the wit and charm of King Khan for a second and that is one of the smartest answers ever. Well, that defines how she manages to rule hearts wherever she go!

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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