Categories: Bollywood

This Is The Most Badass Rap You Will Hear About The Drama Of Society.

Society is the weirdest thing ever. Just think about it, they all ask you to be yourself yet want you to follow the crowd. How can be that possible? If you dare to rebel then the drama of society starts and believe us it never ends. First they ask you to get educated then follow a career of their choice but still want you to don’t lose your individuality. There is something majorly wrong with it and this rap is all about what’s wrong with the society.

A Youtube channel Enthu Cutlets made a video song Anu Aunty in which a huge aunty plays the role of the society and she pursues every guy to make believe that if you are not an engineer or a doctor you are actually a Chutiya. Her concept is simple at 23 you should be a M.B.A. or an Engineer or Doctor. At 25 you should get married and at 27 you should have kids. Simple and clear. WTF!!

Watch The Video Anu Aunty Here:

(Video Courtesy: Youtube)

Is it so hard to believe that our generation is sorted enough to decide on our career , marriage and kids. Anu aunty’s concept is what is wrong with the society and the writer of the song Sanjay Manaktala written it in the best way possible. We are not saying that everyone is wrong in the society but people haven’t you heard “Live and let live”. Just take it easy we all are going to sort our shit out sooner or later.

FYI: The Reason About Why Don’t We Get Laid Was Too Lame!!

4 April 2016
Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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