“Phillauri” is releasing on coming Friday and looks like Anushka Sharma who is playing the leading lady and has also produced it, leaving no stone unturned for its promotion. A week ago a video of Anushka taking a call of a journo’s mom during a promotional interview for “Phillauri” went viral and now she has made the most adorable video with none other than Shah Rukh Khan.
Anushka who is playing a ghost in the movie is nowhere to be seen in this video but hey! You get to see Shah Rukh and his ever-charming smile all the time. Well, the concept is new and has definitely turned our curiosity up a notch as we can hear her sweet voice but to see her we have been told that we have to go and watch “Phillauri”. Before I forget, Shah Rukh kissed her and that’s the sweetest thing about it. Wink!
(Video Source: FoxStarHindi)
“Phillauri” is set in two different timelines and casts Anushka Sharma, Diljit Dosanjh, Suraj Sharma and Mehreen Pirzada in leading roles. The movie has a supernatural twist as it features Anushka as a ghost. The content of the movie looks refreshing that has garnered many eyes. The movie is directed by Anshai Lal and is coming to theaters on this Friday,
24 March 2017.
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