
Australia Witnessing A Great Radical Shift Toward Electric Cars!

Electric cars in Australia are the new reality, much in sync with a world that’s already begun to absorb the paradigm shift in the automotive space. Today, not a single day goes by without the talk not being centred on electric cars, wherever there appears reportage or insights on the automotive space. So strong, dominant and timely has been the rise of electric cars in the current firmament of automotive space that by virtue of sheer impact, one can note that somewhere someone is hitting the Google search engine looking for information on the likes of Tesla.

Don’t you think? Similarly, electric cars in Australia too continue to capture one’s imagination and stroke a lot of interest in an automobile sphere where the key talking points were once formed by fuel-powered cars.

The world we have come to cohabit is also the one that’s continuously being tortured by a string of woes for which much of mankind is itself to be blamed. And a collection of these issues- Rising fuel prices, Increase in vehicular traffic as well as constant clogging of urban spaces by both cars and people- has led to a situation where one can hardly avoid an electric car.

There’s little surprise, therefore, as to why the concept of electric cars in Australia is some whacky, new age mumbo jumbo kind of development, rather pretty much what is needed at this hour.

One of the most loved and widely read papers based out of Oz, the Sydney Morning Herald happened to highlight several reasons that may have contributed to this positive change of sorts:

Australian sales of electric cars have risen at record levels in the past six months amid state government incentives as the industry forecasts greater price parity and consumer choice over the next 24 months.

New car sales data released on Monday shows 8688 battery and plug-in EVs have been sold in the first half of 2021, which is more than in any calendar year. Since last year, six more models under $65,000 have been launched in the Australian market, bringing the total available under that price to 14.

The report found Australians now have access to 31 passenger electric vehicle models from 12 different carmakers with the industry forecasting an additional 27 electric vehicle models entering the market by the end of next year. Industry experts predict full manufacturing cost parity with combustion engine cars by 2025 at the latest.

The above information told, what’s heartening to see is that Australia is currently devoted to upping the ante of developing and installing charging infrastructure across different regions of the massively-large country.

So how is that?

There are, at this point in time, no fewer than 3,000 electric charging facilities in Australia, which clearly shows which way the impetus rests in the automobile space. And truly speaking, it’s also about time that one saw more people driving EVs in Australia than the normal internal combustion engine machines.

The likes of America, China and nations like South Korea have already gone far ahead in the EV space with brands like Tesla, BYD (Build Your Dreams), Rivian, Nio having beautifully shaped a trajectory known for boundless innovation.

The key question, from an Aussie perspective, is- when will Australia make its own electric vehicle that can compete with the biggies of the world?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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